Quick update--CHAPTER ONE OF MY THESIS IS PUBLISHED! After two rounds of edits (the first of which was pretty rough), my manuscript "An invasive insect, hemlock woolly adelgid, indirectly impacts L...
Wow, it has been a quick minute since I've added a new note...oops. In all this coronavirus craziness, I figured some good news was in order. It's a little late in announcing this but...I'm publish...
One of my favorite parts of graduate school was presenting my research at 12 different ornithological society conferences. From Washington, DC to Iguazu Falls, Argentina, to Tucson, AZ, eastern hem...
Well guys, I did it. On March 12, 2018, I presented a public seminar and successfully defended my master's thesis! While the diploma won't come till May, I have officially 'passed' and am now a Mas...
Thanks to my amazing backers, I was able to hire a field assistant for the upcoming season--April Williamson, a Smokies area local from North Carolina! Here's a little blurb from April about her in...