BBPI Paleontology Grant Challenge

Paleontology doesn't just fuel the imagination of kids. It's one of the most recognizable and identifiable disciplines for people of all ages. Whether you study ancient plants, animals, or microbes, paleontology gives us a glimpse into where we came from -- and where we might be going.

This submission window for this grant has ended.

Submitted Projects


Total Funding


Submission Deadline

Feb 08, 2019

About This Grant

The Bighorn Basin Paleontological Institute is dedicated to exciting and captivating the science-lover in people of all ages. And paleontology research and communication is a great way to do that.

To encourage more paleontology research and help early-stage researchers along, BBPI is running the 2019 Paleontology Grant Challenge. 

Paleo campaigns can include:

  • invertebrate
  • vertebrate
  • paleobotany
  • actualistic
  • ichnology
  • biogeography
  • evolution
  • paleoecology
  • field & lab work
  • CT-scanning
  • just about anything else!

BBPI will review all campaigns to make sure they meet their criteria, and will have final say over campaigns that join the challenge.

What to expect:

  • Don't worry about the short call time as crowdfunding campaigns are quick and easy to prepare. It typically takes researchers about 2 hours from start to finish to get their campaign submitted. Experiment reviewers will then work with you to make your page as crowdfunding-friendly as possible.
  • Crowdfunding works best with a strong outreach plan run by the researcher. Experiment staff will help you develop an outreach strategy that will meet your goals and get the world excited about your research.
  • Not sure about this crowdfunding thing? Have a look at our crowdfunding basics and learn generally how Experiment works.

About BBPI

Bighorn Basin Paleontological Institute is a nonprofit organization dedicated to paleontology and earth science research, education, and outreach.  They harness the universal appeal of dinosaurs and paleontology to engage people of all interest levels and backgrounds to promote the earth and natural sciences. BBPI intends to be a world-class center of paleontological research and education, and a resource for paleontologists, natural scientists, and citizen scientists seeking to more fully understand and interpret the natural world.

How It Works

This grant is for projects that launch crowdfunding campaigns by March 7, 2019. The project that ends with the most backers will receive an additional $1,000 grant. Eligible projects must be approved before the launch deadline. BBPI will have final approval over all campaigns that wish to enter the challenge.