Although many humans don't enjoy their company, studying arachnids can tell us an incredible amount about biology, evolution and behavioral ecology.
For a male black widow spider, life is a series of deadly challenges. He must first make a dangerous...
Whip scorpions (vinegaroons) such as the North American species Mastigoproctus giganteus - an unusual arachnid...
Most animal species have populations with equal ratios of males and females, but some have naturally biased...
Sociality in spiders is extremely rare, but it has evolved several times. This begs the question: why be...
The Hawaiian happy face spider, T. grallator, is known for its striking color polymorphisms (variations...
Many spiders decorate their webs with conspicuous UV-reflecting designs, what makes them bright for some...
This request for experiments is seeking proposals from all arachnologists. Proposals studying ticks, mites, spiders, and scorpions are all eligible for the challenge.
Examples of previously successful projects:
Why are some jumping spiders so colorful?
Spiders of Yasuni: How do their physical traits determine their lifestyle?
Spiders of Yasuni: How does morphology contribute to ecological success?
The development of non-iridescent structurally colored material inspired by tarantula hairs
Why do daddy longlegs fight during mating?
Any project working on arachnids is invited to participate. Please get in touch if you aren't sure about your idea, by emailing us at Interdisciplinary projects are more than welcome! Researchers must be based out of institutions or organizations in the US, UK, Australia, or Canada.